Fruity Dutch Baby Recipe

The lovely Catherine of Photo Kitchen came over last week to take photographs for Hounds in the Kitchen Egg Week 2011. On Monday and Tuesday I shared how to blow out eggshells and decorate eggs with natural dyes. Stay tuned for tomorrow's eggshell seedlings and Friday's tips and tricks.

cutting apples for dutch baby recipe

Today I am sharing a recipe that is not only delicious and simple, but has a name that will delight kids and garner odd stares from unsuspecting adults.

A dutch baby is a popover-like breakfast baked good, often sweetened. Useful for using up excess backyard fresh eggs, we add fruit for a hearty and nutritious meal.

Like so many simply delicious foods, a dutch baby requires proper preparation, or mise en place. I usually start with the fruit. Core and slice apples, pears, or plums thinly. Washed and halved cranberries or cherries are welcome additions. Have flour, egg, milk, and salt on standby.

The other key to this recipe is the proper pan, in this case a cast iron skillet.  A properly seasoned skillet discourages sticking and the pan holds heat to cook the pancake quickly.

dutch baby recipe melt butter

Preheat the oven with a cast iron skillet inside. When the oven comes to temperature, add in the butter to melt but not burn.

dutch baby batter and apples

Meanwhile, whisk up the batter of eggs, flour, and milk, flavored with vanilla, cinnamon or nutmeg if you like. The batter is measured with the simple the popover ratio below. I also listed the exact measurements to fill a 12 inch cast iron skillet and feed four.

making a dutch baby recipe

Just as the butter is melted, layer brown sugar and fruit on the bottom of the skillet. Top with batter and return to the oven.

cooked dutch baby in pan

20-30 minutes later, a golden puffy pancake is ready to emerge. Turn it out of the pan, slice, and serve as is or with powdered sugar and/or lemon juice. Crisp on the outside, warm and soft on the inside, a fruity dutch baby is a textural treat.

homemade apple dutch baby serving


Fruity Dutch Baby

Popover Ratio

1 egg : 1/2 cup milk : 1/2 cup flour : 1/4 teaspoon salt

Recipe to fill a 12 inch skillet serves four

3 tablespoons unsalted butter 3 eggs 1 1/2 cups milk 1 1/2 cups all-purpose white flour 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, optional dash, nutmeg, optional 1 large apple, peeled and sliced, or 1 cup of other fruit 1/4 cup brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, optional

1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F. with skillet in the oven on middle rack. 2. When warm, place butter in the skillet to melt. 3. Whisk eggs, milk, flour, salt and optional vanilla and nutmeg. 4. When butter is melted, carefully sprinkle brown sugar and cinnamon over the bottom. Arrange apple sliced on top of that. Pour batter over the apples and return to the oven. 5. Remove the dutch baby from the oven in 20-30 minutes, when top is browned. Turn out from pan and serve warm with powdered sugar and lemon juice, if desired.



All photos with the Photo Kitchen watermark belong to Catherine and were generously shared with me. You may purchase copies and view the whole set of photographs in the online gallery with password lileaster. Use the coupon code houndscrossover to receive 25% off prices until May 15.