August 28, 2011 {Meal Plan}

Ingredients and Inspiration:

  • Lots of green beans in the garden. Tomatoes are infrequent but still around. We have just a few beautiful white patty pan squash ready to eat.
  • We didn't meal plan last week and I hated it. Too much questioning what to make for dinner!
  • On Wednesday, Alex and I have a quick night away to Cincinnati to hear Gillian Welch. Yay!!
  • This week will end with our annual labor day camp and feast. I want to eat cheap and healthy meals leading up to the gluttony.

Sunday - pad thai with green beans

Monday - wild rice soup and carrot muffins

Tuesday - pork stew with patty pan squash, carrots, and purple potatoes

Wednesday - something on the road?

Thursday - Lunch at Ikea, pasta with garden veggie sauce

Friday - sandwiches on the way to East Harbor State Park

Saturday - pancake breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, African Safari potluck dinner and potato packets

Sunday - eggs, bacon, and toast breakfast, lunch on South Bass Island (Put in Bay), hot dogs and sausages, chips, fruits and veg dinner