Last of the Garden Carrots

On Saturday our little wraskally wrabbit and I prepared the last of our home grown carrots. We planted these Japanese long carrots back in August, I think.  We tended them until the second hard frost when we pulled them out of the ground.  The leafy heads were chopped off, dirt left on, and we stored them in a loosely tied plastic grocery sack in the fridge.

unwashed carrots

We've been slowly eating them since, savoring every delicious bite.  Whole carrots are so much tastier than the prewashed bagged "baby carrots" I grew up on.  Home grown whole carrots are even better than store whole carrots.

So Saturday we scrubbed and peeled and ate the last of the harvest.  They were still crunchy and tasty.  Next year: more carrots in the late season so we can have more for winter!

cleaned carrots