Cabinet doors, drawers and first meal!

We have been plugging away at all the little tasks that add up to huge advancements in functionality. Appliances came in the late afternoon Tuesday.  Alex worked on the dishwasher first because dirty dishes were piled up and clean dishes no where to be found.  It installed pretty easily.

The fridge ice maker and stove were another matter.  The handy installation kits failed to include critical parts in both cases, so another trip to Lowes was required.

(Aside: I counted on our credit card bill how many times we've been to Lowes recently.  Drumroll please: a whopping 22 times since 12/22/08.)

By Wednesday afternoon, appliances were up and running.  We made our first meal in the new kitchen Wednesday night.  The menu wasn't exciting because we didn't have much prep time, but it was so much fun to cook again.

home cured bacon, local eggs, and pumpkin pancakes

In every spare moment, I have been building cabinet drawers, drilling holes, and attaching handles.  Finally this afternoon I had the whole wall of lower cabinets completed under the pass through!

wall of drawers

Alex worked on upper cabinets today and now those are completed too.   We had another delicious home cooked meal tonight of chicken, goat cheese twice baked potatos, wilted local kale (from our CSA), and brownies.

cabinets to right of sink