Friday Five: Anxious Feelings

Friday Five ButtonI don't usually admit to being fearful. I'm the over-confident one, eager to offer advice and assistance. But truly, the month of May has me feeling a little anxious. Here's what I'm worried about:

  1. Pecha Kucha - On Thursday the 12th, I will present my ideas about 'When You Know Your Food' to a crowd, possibly a very large crowd. The facebook invite has over 350 RSVPs and the last event had between 600-700 audience members. Whoa.You can watch how I perform under fire for a small donation of $2. There will be free beer, food carts, screen printing and a photo booth to entertain us.
  2. Weather - The sunshine yesterday and this morning should have me in a pretty good mood. The potential happiness is overshadowed, however, by a forecast for more rain and chilly temperatures. Everything is less fun when it is raining: chickens are more squawky, children more obnoxious and gardening more difficult.
  3. BlogHer Food - I'm going to Atlanta May 19-22 for the BlogHer Food conference. I'm flying by myself, staying in a hotel by myself, and volunteering as a mic wrangler during most sessions. Lil will be shuffled around a bit because Alex is also traveling for part of that time. I'm concerned about what to wear, how many business cards to bring, how the volunteer job will go, whether the conference is a good use of money, etc.
  4. Garden - My garden looks like a bunch of caged soil right now. I planted out seedlings but they are mere specks of green on a dirt brown expanse. The dogs are being particularly nosy this year, so most beds are surrounded by chicken wire. Some even have bird netting over the top to protect the peas from sparrows. I worry every year around this time that my garden will not produce, though I have to remind myself that I always end up with a jungle by June.
  5. Lil's Food - The eating habits of my five year old are driving me batty. She likes approximately five healthy things at any given moment, and these change regularly. She asks for treats all the time and we argue when I suggest real food alternatives. I know that Lil will very likely eat whole foods as an adult but right now she wastes an awful lot of quality ingredients. I hope this phase ends soon because it is squeezing the enjoyment out of my very favorite activities: cooking and eating.

And yet, I feel ashamed about my anxiety when I remember that thousands of people are still suffering from earthquake, tsunami, and tornado damage. My worries are not a drop in the bucket compared to those who are without homes, living in war-torn areas, and suffering from illness, joblessness, or hunger.

Listing my concerns about my wants when all my needs are generously met makes me a little ill at myself. But, blah, that's how I'm feeling. How are you doing today?

PS. I am genuinely looking forward to assisting Joseph of Swainway Urban Farm at the Clintonville Farmer's Market tomorrow morning. Come say hi!

May Events: Plant Sales, Pecha Kucha, and More

The growing season is beginning and gardening and eating events are blossoming too! Fill your calendar with local food events and your tummy will thank you later. unfurling grape leaf at home

Farmer's Markets The Clintonville and North Market farmer's markets begin this weekend, April 30. I defer to the very thorough list of markets on Columbus Underground for details about the many (yay!) other markets around the city.

Cook and Learn with Rachel I will speak about knowing your food at Pecha Kucha Columbus Vol 17. Held on May 12 at Eartha Limited from 7-9 pm, I will join a handful of other presenters to show twenty slides and talk for twenty seconds about each. Truthfully, I'm out of my mind nervous to talk in front of the hundreds of people likely to show up. Come and support me, please? There's free beer for your $2 donation...

Two of my May cooking classes at Franklin Park are already full. Sign up soon for the preschool Eggs class and look ahead to June's Honey and Berries if you don't want to be left out.

I have had requests for more canning and charcuterie classes. Email me if you are an interested party so I can get an idea of what kind of space I should reserve to spread the love of preserved food!

Plant Sales Chadwick Spring Plant Sale - May 6 and 7 on Ohio State Campus. Trees, shrubs, annuals, perennials, and garden supplies.

Biological Sciences Greenhouse Fundraiser - Preview May 2-4 (coupon required, print from link), general sale May 6. Annual flowers, veggies, and herbs.

Worthington Plant Fest - May 7. Heirlooms, annuals, and perennials including seedlings from our friends at Swainway Urban Farm.

Food and Dining Tomorrow night, Thursday April 28, is the Capital Area Humane Society Celebrity Chef event. I will be there to chat up chefs and support one of my favorite charities! Tickets are available at the door for $60.

May 1 marks the first First Sunday at Jorgensen Farm. Each month will feature a farm market and farming activity suitable for families.

Saturday May 7 is the Spring 2011 Market to Market Ride including Columbus Crave at the Hills Market.

Slow Food Columbus is hosting a potluck on Mother's Day, May 8, at Pleasantview Farm. Visit their events page for details.

On May 12, sadly opposite Pecha Kucha, Taste of Dine Originals hosts their annual chef's tasting event at Grange Audubon Society.

Columbus Food Adventures premieres their Gluten Free Dessert Tour on May 14. On May 24 they will give a tour of historic restaurants, details TBA.

The Columbus Food Forum continues on May 16 at Wild Goose. Stay tuned to their facebook page for free event tickets.

Clean out your pantries for the first Cbus Food Swap on May 21 at Wild Goose!

The North Market's annual fundraiser, the Apron Gala, is Saturday May 21.

What food related events did I miss? Comment and I'll add them!

Friday Five: Great Events on the Horizon

Friday Five ButtonIt's time for another Friday Five! Here are five handpicked events that are sure to feed your soul in chronological order: 1. Field & Screen at the Wexner Center for the Arts - From February 4 - 24, the Wexner Center is featuring films about food and the environment. On the 24th, they will host a market and CSA preview with Wayward Seed farm and friends. Check the link for showtimes and prices.

2. Pecha Kucha at Columbus Museum of Art - Twenty notable persons will share twenty slides for twenty seconds each at the 16th Columbus Pecha Kucha event on February 10. Beginning at 6 pm with a performance, presentations will start at 6:30. Pattycake Bakery and the Museum's Palete Cafe will have refreshments and drinks available. I'll finally get to attend my first Pecha Kucha!

3. OEFFA Annual Conference Inspiring Farms, Sustaining Communities - On February 19-20, the farmers and home cooks on the front lines of sustainable food growing in Ohio. Workshops, locally sourced food, and keynotes by Joan Dye Gussow and Klaas and Mary-Howell Martens will fill the weekend with inspiration and foodie fellowship. Tickets are nearly sold out so get yours right away. Alex and I are speaking about Home Charcuterie on Sunday morning.

4. Wellness Forum Cooking Class at Hills Market - On Wednesday, February 23rd, Del Sroufe and Wendy Gabriel of Wellness Forum Foods will lead a two hour cooking class featuring three vegetable-based courses at the Hills. A kitchen demonstration will be followed by a three course dinner (with three wines!) in the Hills wine department.

5. First day at Clintonville Farmer's Market!! - In a mere 92 days, on April 30, the summer farmer's markets will open. I can almost feel the warmth of the crowd and taste the fresh bites of spring.