Raising Healthy Dogs with HardyPet {Sponsored}

dog taking hardypet completeWhat do you feed your pets? The more that I explore and understand human nutrition, the more I consider this question. If I believe that humans are healthiest on a diverse, vitamin-rich diet, doesn't it follow that my pets would thrive on such a diet too?

Our little dog Hawise stopped being interested in dry food about a year ago. We tried switching brands but she was never excited about it. I'm not a fussy pet owner and wasn't about to get into cooking a fresh meal, but I'd always been curious about raw diets for dogs. With a friends' encouragement, I started feeding Hawise raw frozen chicken. She thrived and I began to notice that she wasn't quite as anxious as usual and her smelly breath lessened.

When our new puppy Annabel entered our life, I chose a high protein, grain-free dry dog food. She is far less picky than Hawise but doesn't seem to have as strong of a digestive system. And instead of chewing food she swallows it in big gulps, so we haven't switched to the raw diet yet but we might someday.

hardypet blue box bundle puppy with blue box bundle from hardypet

Pet Vitamin Supplements

HardyPet recently offered me a chance to try their Blue Box Bundle of health-supporting supplements for dogs. The box arrived by mail and I let Anabel try to open it. She could smell something good but fortunately isn't a very destructive pup and couldn't figure out how to get inside.

I started feeding the dogs HardyPet Complete, a multivitamin, right away. Both gobble up the tablet eagerly. While I haven't noticed any outward effects, I do feel more secure that Hawise is getting balanced nutrition with a primarily raw diet. I am hopeful that with nutritional supplementation, we can avoid some of the more common canine aging problems like joint pain, heart disease, and immune disfunction.

Annabel uses the HardyChew daily. She loves her soft toys too, but I appreciate the durability of the antler.

I'm giving the probiotic HardyPet Canine PRO6 as a support when they've eaten something suspect. Anabel cleared a couple plates at our Pi Day party last weekend, for example, so I fed her PRO6 for a couple days to help her digest the human foods.

About HardyPet

dog with hardychew antlerI didn't accept the offer from HardyPet before researching their company. With all the pet food recalls and questionable ingredient sourcing, I wanted to be sure this was a manufacturer whose values matched my own.

The mission of HardyPet is to reduce pets surrendered to shelters because of poor health. Being a supporter of Capital Area Humane Society, I know all too well the number of animals that come in with nutritional deficiencies and all sorts of related health issues.

HardyPet is a researched-based company with roots in the animal welfare world. Their products were developed for animal shelter use and continue to be used by shelters to restart nutritional balance. HardyPet uses pharmaceutical grade ingredients and offer a money-back guarantee to back their well-tested products.

I found the Blue Box Bundle a convenient way to support optimal nutrition for my dogs. If you'd like to try it too, HardyPet is offering free shipping and value pricing on the bundle for a limited time.

Disclosure: HardyPet sponsored this post. I was provided the featured products for free, but all opinions are 100% my own.

Meet Annabel

annabel schnoodle puppy Since Devie the coonhound died in December we've been missing a big dog. Our spring and summer were so busy with the kitchen, guests, travel, and farming that we knew we had to wait so that we'd have the time to devote to training a new dog. We said that after Labor Day weekend, we would start looking.

But when I searched through the adoptable pet listings after Labor Day, something didn't feel right. I didn't want pick a dog, I wanted a dog to pick me. So we told our family we were waiting for a good - a smart, low-allergenic, farm-dog-trainable - dog to come our way.

puppy carrying food bowlAnd not one week later my sister (who works for Capital Area Humane Society) alerted me to a giant schnauzer / standard poodle 9-week-old puppy surrendered by an owner who couldn't care for her. It's always hard to know whether the breed reported to a shelter will be true but this little girl, called Annabelle at the shelter, has the curly, no-shed hair of a poodle, muzzle of a schnauzer, and decently-large paws.

So we welcomed her home. We tried out a few other names, but none are sticking. I looked through the Baillieul family history for female names because Devorguilla and Hawise, our previous dogs, are from Alex's ancient family. And there was Annabel De Baliol, a noblewoman from Normandy alive from 1153-1204. We'll call her Annabel.

Hawise and the cats are keeping their distance but getting used to a new member of the pack. Annabel brings all the energy, napping, pottying, and cuteness of a puppy. She's also whip-smart, sitting at my feet and looking up as if to say "what's next?" frequently.

schnoodle puppy and cat

We've always adopted young adult dogs in the past so this is a new adventure for all of us. Undoubtedly we'll share lots of pictures and updates about her transformation into a homestead helper.

puppy annabel

Meet Annabel

annabel schnoodle puppy Since Devie the coonhound died in December we've been missing a big dog. Our spring and summer were so busy with the kitchen, guests, travel, and farming that we knew we had to wait so that we'd have the time to devote to training a new dog. We said that after Labor Day weekend, we would start looking.

But when I searched through the adoptable pet listings after Labor Day, something didn't feel right. I didn't want pick a dog, I wanted a dog to pick me. So we told our family we were waiting for a good - a smart, low-allergenic, farm-dog-trainable - dog to come our way.

puppy carrying food bowlAnd not one week later my sister (who works for Capital Area Humane Society) alerted me to a giant schnauzer / standard poodle 9-week-old puppy surrendered by an owner who couldn't care for her. It's always hard to know whether the breed reported to a shelter will be true but this little girl, called Annabelle at the shelter, has the curly, no-shed hair of a poodle, muzzle of a schnauzer, and decently-large paws.

So we welcomed her home. We tried out a few other names, but none are sticking. I looked through the Baillieul family history for female names because Devorguilla and Hawise, our previous dogs, are from Alex's ancient family. And there was Annabel De Baliol, a noblewoman from Normandy alive from 1153-1204. We'll call her Annabel.

Hawise and the cats are keeping their distance but getting used to a new member of the pack. Annabel brings all the energy, napping, pottying, and cuteness of a puppy. She's also whip-smart, sitting at my feet and looking up as if to say "what's next?" frequently.

schnoodle puppy and cat

We've always adopted young adult dogs in the past so this is a new adventure for all of us. Undoubtedly we'll share lots of pictures and updates about her transformation into a homestead helper.

puppy annabel

On a Collar Quest

capital area humane society collar quest I love dogs. I love Capital Area Humane Society (CAHS), the shelter that housed our hounds before we adopted them. And I REALLY love guerrilla marketing.

Naturally, I'm delighted to introduce you to the newest adoption and awareness campaign at CAHS: Collar Quest.

capital area retail store

Volunteers and staff at CAHS are dropping 50 special signs with collars around the city every week during the month of May. Location clues will be posted on the CAHS Facebook page. Fans who find the collars will receive a 25% discount on an approved pet adoption. A few special ones are associated with a gift card to CAHS' retail shop, Bells and Whiskers. At the end of the Collar Quest, one lucky collar-finder will receive a grand prize package of a free adoption, food, vet services and training.

cats at capital areaguinea pig at CAHScollared dog at cahs

We visited the shelter yesterday to hang out with adoptable dogs, kittens, rabbits, and guinea pigs. Oooh the cuteness!!

orange kitten cahsThere weren't many kittens on the adoption floor when we visited but there are benefits to knowing one of the shelter managers - my sister Sarah showed us some of the kitties that are too young to be adopted. (Can you see the dark mark on Sarah's hand? It's from a month-old nasty cat bite, a serious hazard of her job.)

lil donating to capital area

In the end, we decided that none of the pets were a good match for us right now. Lil was a bit sad that we couldn't adopt but she chose to give a dollar from her own wallet to the shelter. She wants a cat and we've promised her one when we move. We'll be following CAHS on Facebook for collar clues. Maybe when we find one, the orange kitty will be available for adoption!

Will you join us on the Collar Quest?

Old Hound Devie {Wordless Wednesday}

old coon hound dog sleeping grey faced hound

click clack paws

hound dog lip jowls

They say moving is one of the most stressful life events along with death, divorce, and illness. Most of the family is holding up well but the old hound dog Devie is a mess. Alex insists that I tell you I am the second in line for 'most stressed'.

First we took away her couch. Her twelve-year-old paws click and clack on the hardwood floors downstairs as she tries to find somewhere comfortable to rest.

Then, when we have showings, we are taking her on rides in the car (which she hates) to new and unfamiliar places.

She has taken to lying on our bed (previously forbidden) where I snapped these shots of her sweet greyed face, outstretched paws, and my favorite droopy lips.

I wish Dev could understand me when I promise that she will have a wide wonderful world to explore at a new house soon. We'll even find a place for her old stinky couch.

Eco-friendly Dog Gear {Birthday Giveaway}

dog gear giveawayAs I was thinking about my life and readers, I considered 'how about something for the four legged beasts?' My dogs keep me company on walks in the alleys, bark at strangers, and eat cooking leavings off the kitchen floor. They also eat my tomatoes, birthday cakes, and everything else passable. They are, in part, evil.

But even evil dogs deserve a nice fresh collar and leash once in awhile. Today's birthday giveaway is a OLovesM leash made from reclaimed Chaco sandal straps, a biodegradable poop bag dispenser, and a collar in your choice of size medium or small.

Comment below with your dog's name to enter.

Giveaway Details

Contest entries close at 12:01 AM EST on Tuesday, October 11, 2011. One winner will be selected with random.org. The winner will have 24 hours to respond to email notification with their mailing address for delivery of the gift card.

Winners must have a US address. Only one entry per person please. Retail value of dog gear gift pack is $30.

Disclosure: I am personally sponsoring this giveaway. Opinions are my own and shipping is also covered by me.


Additional Birthday Giveaways:

Kroger Giftcard (ends October 10, 2011)

Black (Pet) Friday

adopt a black dog on black fridayDid you know that black dogs and cats are more likely to linger in animal shelters than any other color of pet? The problem is so pervasive that shelters have given the syndrome an acronym, BBD, for Big Black Dog. BBDs persist in shelters despite being personable, house trained, and gentle.

The animal shelter from where we adopted our hounds, Capital Area Humane Society in Hilliard, is actively combating the lack of adopters from dark colored pets. Today, Black Friday, the shelter is offering special low rates on black (and mostly black) animals. The shelter is open from 12 - 7 pm today. For the first two hours the shelter is open, black pets can find their forever home for 50% of the standard adoption rates. From 2 pm on, adoption fees are discounted 25% for black pets.

If you visit the shelter tomorrow, say hi to my sister Sarah, one of the shelter managers. She is forfeiting family holiday time to help the wonderful animal souls at CAHS find homes. I hope she is able to make many matches with families of all sizes and pets of all colors.