11 Years

Today Alex and I celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary. Eleven years!! reception1_0005

It is hard to limit the list, but here are 11 things I love about being married to Alex:

1) He knows me and loves me for myself.

2) Better than just knowing, Alex indulges me with simple things, like the last bite of ice cream or serving me a nightcap.

3) Alex exudes such confidence that I am able to feel more confident in my self.

4) He makes me laugh, even when I am laughing at how his bad puns remind me of his father.

5) Alex is tall and retrieves things from high places for me. I would never have looked specifically for this quality in a mate but boy is it handy.

6) He likes to garden, cook, and eat like I do.

7) He likes to play with fire and sharp stuff, which I don't like to do but sometimes need to be done.

8 ) Alex is a fantastic parenting partner.

9) He's also great about helping to take care of all the other creatures in the house - dogs, fish, chickens, squirrels.

10) He shares my do-it-yourself mentality and the plumbing/carpentry/cleaning/cooking/crafting tasks borne from such a state of mind. He doesn't even mind when I slow things down by taking pictures for this blog.

11) We continue to grow and learn new things about each other. Just last month he revealed that his nickname was 'bug man' in elementary school.

Happy Anniversary, love!

Last year I shared the story of our romance. Alex contributed his version too. Part of my gift to Alex was scanning our photograph prints (we were married before digital!) into a Flickr set.