Five Signs of Spring

This week has been the essence of spring. Ohio has felt downpours of rain, blustery days so chilly Alex lit the wood stove, and sunshine that made me weak in the knees. Best of all, it is the growing season! In the spirit of Friday Five, here are spring scenes from the homestead this week:

wet chickens from thunderstorm1) Backyard hens soaked to the core during Monday's rainstorms. It isn't true that a chickens are so dim that they will drown in rain, but they do not seem inclined to take shelter.

painted lady caterpillar2) The painted lady caterpillar I purchased from Franklin Park Conservatory is a delight to watch as it grows visibly every day. It will form a chrysalis soon and then emerge as a butterfly!

newly built raised beds3) Intern Keara and I moved garden beds and made new ones on Thursday. We added 42 square feet of planting space!

dirtville a child's creation in soil4) When asked to spread soil in a bed, Lil responded by occupying herself for almost an hour creating 'Dirtville'. She says the people who live there are very clean and tidy, but they make their homes out of dirt. In 'Houndsville', springtime requires more frequent baths. ;)

hand split wood pile5) Alex worked his tail off splitting ash this week. Look at this amazing wood pile!


Added to Fight Back Friday April 8.