Meal Plan: October 24, 2010

This post is part of Menu Plan Monday but I have to start with Sunday. Tonight, Alex made a wonderful paella with shrimp, mussels, and clams for his mother's birthday dinner.  Served with steamed brussel sprouts on the side, the shellfish-loving Baillieul family appreciated every bite.

Here's what we'll eat the rest of the week:

Monday - parent observation night for Lil's ballet followed by Mad Mex for dinner

Tuesday - baked Mahi, roasted homegrown sweet potatoes, and salad

Wednesday - dinner with my parents, last fruit CSA pickup (boo hoo!)

Thursday - adzuki beans and greens soup for extended family to nosh on before or after trick or treat

Friday - spaghetti and homemade meatballs with homegrown tomato sauce

Saturday - Halloween party at Lil's friend's house

Sunday - Alex's family dinner

I have fresh beets and pears to process this week.  I think I'll make some pickled beets for my grandmother and make most of the pears into brandied pears.  There are always more apples to dehydrate and make into sauce...