Summer Sunflowers

sunflower about to bloomI have intentionally planted sunflowers twice. Both times, they were eaten by squirrels. Those that are volunteers from birdseed droppings, however, thrive in my garden.

This year, they started as broad two leaved seedlings under the bird feeders. As we removed the deck and situated new beds, I moved some seedlings to more appropriate places. I tucked them between beds along the fence line and bordering the air conditioner.

sunflower with bees and bulleit Months later they finally bloomed this weekend. honey bee on sunflower

Pollen gathering insects love sunflowers. I can almost always find a bee or two on ours. Later in the season, birds enjoy the sunflower seeds. I enjoy watching the wildlife, hiding the air conditioner, and the contrast of bright yellow petals to the overwhelming green of the garden.

Welcome summer sunflowers!