Food For Thought Zine

About the Project

Participants at the 14th annual Stinner Summit in October 2020, an annual gathering of diverse food system stakeholders, were asked “how do agroecosystems adapt to pandemics and natural disasters?”

We questioned: How to growers and eaters connect and collaborate while social distancing? What is just and right land use in light of systemic racism and the global climate crisis? How can the food system meet everyone’s needs?

What emerged was an archive of the lived experience of eaters, farmers, and activists feeding change in their Ohio communities in the form of the zine ‘Food for Thought’ published October 2021.

May you be nourished and inspired by these stories, art, and verse.

-Rachel Tayse, project coordinator, Columbus, Oh.


Tess Pugsley, artwork - IG @tesspugsley

Rachel Tayse - IG @racheltayse

Josh White -

Jodi Kushins - IG @overthefenceurbanfarm614

Martha Gaffney -

Deja Beamon - IG @dejadukes, Twitter @DejaBeamon

Dianne Kadonaga - IG @sunnyglengarden

Adrienne Williams -

Omope Carter Daboiku -

Tonni Oberly -